

This site belongs to EDUGLE OFFICIAL. Coded by founder of Edugle( Gaurav Kumar Sharma) and managed by Edugle team. We tried our best to upload those things only which are free on internet or which are curated by us. But if you find anything which is paid resource or anything that belongs to u then please let us know so that we will remove it soon. Email us at edugleofficial02@gmail.com with proof


If we have used or added any content that belongs to you or any organisation, then we are extremely sorry for that. And we assure, this won't be repeated in future.If you are rightful owner of the content used in our website,please mail me with your Name,Contact Details,Copyright infringing URL and Copyright Proof (URL or Legal Document) through Email or contact page. Rest assured, we will remove the Infringing

Message To Copyright Owner

As we already mentioned above, If we Violate/Infringes your copyright policies, you can always send us the takedown notice to our email (edugleofficial02@gmail.com) or through contact form. Its our promise that we will respond & remove the particular links within 48 hours as well as we donot do the mistake again..